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Frequently asked questions

Q1: What are the refund options under your logistics policy if my order is delayed?

**A: We offer two robust refund options to ensure customer satisfaction in the event of a delay:

Shipping Fee Reimbursement: If your order is not delivered within 29 days from the date of your purchase, we will provide a full refund of your shipping fees as a gesture of our commitment to timely delivery.

Order Amount Refund or Free Replacement: If your order fails to arrive within 36 days of your purchase, you have the option of choosing between a full refund of the order amount or a free replacement, with no additional shipping charges. In addition, you will also receive complimentary gifts such as coupons, accessories, sports socks, etc., ensuring that you not only receive the value of your purchase or the item itself but also some extra goodies as a token of our appreciation for your patience and understanding.

Rest assured, we are dedicated to delivering your orders promptly and stand behind our policy to provide you with the best possible service.

Q2: Will I be notified if my order is delayed?

**A: Yes. If your order experiences delays due to special circumstances such as stock shortage, customs inspection, or holidays, we will inform you promptly via email or WhatsApp and work with you to find a resolution. We are committed to providing you with the best shopping experience and ensuring that your orders are delivered as quickly as possible.

The package is estimated to be sent out within 5 days. You can ask customer service for QC pictures of all your purchase items.

Here for you 24/7, period.
Email: [email protected]

You have a maximum of 14 days from the date you’ve received your purchased items.

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